Alberta Dreams


Fulfilling of a dream helps a sick child be a child again, and give them strength and hope to keep fighting. Look at the dreams currently waiting to be fulfilled and see the magical children behind them!

Dream #1188

This quiet and shy 10 year old girl was born with spina bifida in China where she was adopted at 21 months of age by

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Dream #1187

With a huge milestone birthday coming up very soon, this teen will be making the transition from youth to adulthood early in 2023. Their symptoms

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Dream #1186

Soon to be 18, this young lady was diagnosed with Fox G1 and Rett Syndrome at a very young age. She suffers from seizure, visual,

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Katy Perry Concert

Dream #1185

Life changed for this 14-year-old and her family in April 2022 when she developed an ear infection which unexpectedly led to being airlifted to the

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birds eye view of a resort in Mexico

Dream #1184

This vibrant and happy young girl was born in 2014 and was your typical toddler when her family started noticing that she was failing to

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Sensory Bedroom with UV Blacklights

Dream #1183

On a trip back to Canada to visit his family at approximately 6 months of age, this Australian born, sweet and kind teenager developed hydrocephalus.

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Dream #1182

Before she was born the doctors told her parents she would never, walk, run or jump like other children but this very vibrant and confident

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Water Park

Dream #1181

Born at just 25 weeks gestation this energetic and fun loving 4 year old spent the first 82 days of his life in hospital, as

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GRIT Freedom Chair Junior.

Dream #1180

This happy-go-lucky young boy was only 6 months old when his parents noticed there was something wrong with his vision. Diagnosed with septo-optic dysplasia, he

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Children playground

Dream #1179

This 4 year old girl was diagnosed with Glycogen Storage Disease type IX at just 2 years of age. She suffers from bouts of ketotic

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Computer desk with gaming chair and computer,

Dream #1178

Like his sister, this bold and creative boy was also diagnosed with Glycogen Storage Disease type IX at just 2 years of age, also requiring

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Harry Potter World

Dream #1177

This passionate and articulate 11 year-old girl’s symptoms began back in 2017 and it took over a year of numerous hospital and doctors visits, tests,

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