Born 14 weeks early, this twin lived full-time in the hospital until he was 18 months old, then in and out of the ICU until he was 4. Born before their lungs were fully developed and diagnosed with extreme prematurity and pulmonary hypertension, followed by life long issues relating to chronic lung disease. Now 10 years old, this vibrant, silly and funny boy still requires supplemental oxygen for 16 hours each day and still fatigues quite easily with exertion. In addition to managing his shortness of breath issues he also has decreased vision, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder and an intellectual disability.
This boy is quite the character, always joking around. He enjoys gymnastics, swimming, and watching sports with his family. He loves to watch movies, especially the scary ones, watch you tube and play online.
Alberta Dreams can’t wait until this family can spend their summers camping around the province watching and playing AA baseball in their new Dream RV.