Born with a rare genetic disorder, Congenital Afibrinogenemia, that can cause severe hemorrhaging due to a lack of coagulation product in the blood. This 6-year-old girl currently receives weekly infusions of Fibrinogen through her IVAD at the hospital. She splits her time between her mom and dad’s homes where they are currently learning how to administer her regular infusions at home to increase her treatments to twice a week. Like lots of little girls her age, she enjoys coloring, watching movies, playing video games, Barbie dolls, Disney princesses (especially Ariel), playing on swings, swimming, singing, and playing her guitar, and going on adventure walks with her parents and two dogs. Due to her condition, she requires a higher degree of supervision in case of injury – because of this she will thoroughly enjoy her gift of new outdoor playcenter where she can play safely with her siblings at her dad’s house.