Alberta Dreams

Giving the gift of hope by fulfilling dreams for children in Alberta diagnosed with severe chronic or life-threatening medical illness.

Alberta Dreams believes in the power of community.

All funds raised are used to fulfill dreams for children right here in Alberta. Along with children who have life-threatening conditions, we also fulfill dreams for children who have severe chronic medical illnesses. Children referred for a dream often must cope with illnesses that require multiple hospital stays, complex treatments in addition to the stress and fears that come with their reality. They have undergone medical procedures that would make most adults weary.

Realizing a dream can provide a much-needed break from the daily struggles of illness, medications, and treatments.  It can offer moments of joy and hope.  A break from the physical and emotional toll of being ill or missing out on their childhood.  Fulfillment of a dream can also provide an opportunity for the entire family a chance to come together to celebrate the child.  It can be a powerful catalyst, boosting the emotional and physical well-being of the child, giving them the strength and courage they need to keep fighting their illness.  The fulfillment of a dream creates an opportunity to create precious memories that will last a lifetime, and can be a source of inspiration knowing that their community is behind them supporting them as they navigate the challenges of their illness. 

Alberta Dreams believes every child facing severe chronic or life-threatening illness in Alberta deserves a chance to dream and experience the joy of seeing their dreams come true.  We work tirelessly to make that reality for as many children in Alberta as possible, bringing hope and happiness into the lives of those who need it most.  A Dream gives hope, it gives strength, it provides inspiration that each child is more than their diagnosis. 

In 2021, our administrative costs accounted for only 7% of our total expenses for the year.

Dreams Do Come True!

Kade’s Dream

Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome results in frequent joint dislocation, sprains, other injuries, and leads to a life with acute and chronic pain. In addition Kade

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Lola’s Dream

With twins born 7 years ago, both with Cerebral Palsy, this family of 5 spends a lot of time dealing with medical appointments, surgeries, and

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Oliver’s Dream

Living with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, keeps Ollie and his family on constant alert. But this happy and easy going 10 year old has a good heart;

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Upcoming Dreams

Dream #1215

Born with Leber Congenital Amaurosis, a condition causing severe vision loss leading to blindness. Now 6 years of age and globally delayed,  this young boy

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Dream #1214

Born 14 weeks early, this twin lived full-time in the hospital until he was a year old, then in and out of the ICU until

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Dream #1213

Born 14 weeks early, this twin lived full-time in the hospital until he was 18 months old, then in and out of the ICU until

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Upcoming Events

Looking to Volunteer?

Can you spare some time?       Edmonton Events GLOW Edmonton December 10th Edmonton Expo Centre For more information, please click  HERE      

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