Alberta Dreams

Dream #1220

What started out as what doctors thought was a flu, quickly deteriorated for this 8 year old boy to 13 days in the ICU, 9 of which in a coma, suffering from Meningoencephalitis and toxic shock. The virus he had contracted had gone to his brain and shut down all his organs. He was in liver failure, kidney failure, and heart failure. He was put on dialysis and ecmo. Miraculously, on day 9, he woke up, spent another 4 days in the ICU, and he would make the most amazing recovery. But due to the trauma several layers of his skin all over his entire body flaked off, leaving him covered in scars and he would later have to amputate all 10 of his toes due to a lack of blood flow to his extremities while on dialysis and ecmo.

Through everything he has remained strong, positive, and never complains. He is a very happy boy, he loves school, sports, Lego, and video games. He enjoys playing Roadblocks on his tablet.

After all this amazing family has been though in the past several months, Alberta Dreams cannot wait to give this young boy a piece of his childhood back with a once in a lifetime family trip to Disney World, Florida.