Alberta Dreams

Dream #1217

Like many autoimmune diseases, this young girl’s symptoms began with what mom thought was growing pains, she felt cold and achy, stiff and it was hard to move her limbs. The doctors were convinced it was just the flu and she’d get better on her own. Despite numerous visits to the doctor, and several weeks later she continued to get worse. She developed what looked like dark purple bruising around her knees, nodules on her knuckles and a red rash over much of her body. After much frustration and several more visits to the doctor they finally saw a doctor who knew instantly what was wrong and she was finally diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis in December 2019.

This quiet and a bit shy preteen is now 11 years old, has a few good friends but mostly keeps to herself and likes to spend her time hanging out in her room on her iPhone staying in touch with her favorite younger cousin, or playing her favorite games Animal Crossing and Forte Night. She likes arts and crafts, coloring, crocheting, and making slime. 

Alberta Dreams is excited to create the bedroom of her dreams to give her a special place to hang out with her friends and family.